Map of Europe
Europe Relief Map | Europe Topo MapEurope consists of over 40 countries, with an approximate total population of 688,545,400 in 2002. Its two major English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom and Ireland, are island nations. Germany and France are the two most populous nations of central Europe. Two of Europe's southernmost countries, Greece and Italy, are Mediterranean Sea peninsulas. Four of the continent's northern countries — Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden — comprise a region known as Scandinavia. Detailed maps of European countries can be found by following the links in this paragraph. This website contains three maps of Europe — a political map, a relief map, and a topographical map.
Europe Map NavigationTo display the map in full-screen mode, click or touch the full screen button. To zoom in on the Europe political map, click or touch the plus (+) button; to zoom out, click or touch the minus (-) button. To scroll or pan the zoomed-in map, either (1) use the scroll bars or (2) simply swipe or drag the map in any direction. (The scrolling or panning method you use will depend on your device and browser capabilities.) At any time, you can display the entire Europe map in a new window or print this page, including the visible portion of the map. ![]() Europe Political Map
European Travel and Tourism > Europe Travel DestinationsEurope contains a remarkable variety of terrain and physical features. From the highlands of Scandinavia and Scotland to the Alps and Pyrenees of southern Europe, plenty of scenic vistas await the visitor! The Northern European Plain is the industrial heartland while the fertile Ukraine and the Central Russian Upland form the breadbasket of Europe. The Caucasus and Ural Mountains form Europe's eastern boundaries.The largest city in Europe is Moscow, Russia; other leading cities and travel destinations include London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, and Copenhagen. United States travelers usually fly to Europe via airlines such as British Airways, Air France, Alitalia, Lufthansa, and SAS. Three excellent sources of European news and analysis are BBC's Europe News, CNN's European Edition, and the New York Times' Europe page.
Europe History and Antique Europe MapThis Europe history page provides an overview of European history and culture from ancient times to modern times. This vintage map of Europe shows the continent of Europe as it appeared in a 19th century atlas.Related Continent Map Sites
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